
About FIM Europe

About FIM Europe

FIM Europe Non-Sporting Commissions Meetings

FIM Europe Non-Sporting Commissions Meetings FIM Europe Non-Sporting Commissions meetings took place face-to-face at the FIM Europe headquarters in Fiumicino (Rome) and via videoconference yesterday, Saturday 22nd January 2022. Besides the commission’s members, the meetings were also attended by the FIM Europe President Mr. Martin de Graaff and the 2nd Deputy President Mr. Silvio Manicardi. Also present the Secretary General Mr Alessandro Sambuco together with Silvia Monatti and Andrea Diamantini, responsible for non-sporting matters in the office. At the end of the meetings the chairmen came together to point out the outcome of the meetings to the President of the Non-Sporting Council, Mr Silvio Manicardi. Mr Martin de Graaff, FIM Europe President “The meetings of the Non-Sporting Commissions and of the Non-Sporting Council could not take place in presence in Fiumicino, as we organized the Sporting meetings in October and November, because of the limited travel possibilities caused by the pandemic. Therefore, they
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About FIM Europe

FIM Europe Club Lapland Experience 2022

lapland experience
FIM Europe Club Lapland Experience 2022 The beginning of the year 2022 brings along the FIM Europe Snowmobile week. Even though the Covid-19 pandemic has presented a lot of challenges to the organizers, we are happy to announce that the FIM Europe snowmobile week will take place in Rovaniemi, Finland, in the middle of March 2022 and the event will consider all the actions needed to arrange a Covid safe experience for the participants. The Snowmobile week is a co-operation between FIM Europe, Snowmobile Guide Association of Finland and the Finnish Motorcycling Federation to offer a non-sport experience in the exotic wilderness of Finnish Lapland. As the name states, it is all about enjoying the winter and nature of Finland with the help of snowmobiles and the broad network of snowmobile routes around Lapland and the Rovaniemi area. The Snowmobile week of 2022 has been a success so far and
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About FIM Europe

Issue #04 FIM Europe Magazine is now online!

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Issue #04 FIM Europe Magazine is now online! The FIM Europe is glad to announce that FIM Europe Magazine issue #04 2021 is now online! The last issue of the year closes the quarter with a lot of topics. First of all, the FIM Europe passed on deepest condolences to Arne Hedin’s family, friends and loved ones. He was Honorary Member of FIM Europe and has been part of the Trial Commission for many years. After the celebration of all the 2021 champions, there is a focus on the FIM Europe ordinary and extraordinary General Assembly, which took place in December in Monte-Carlo in occasion of the FIM Board, and the Sporting Commissions meetings of October and November. FIM Europe’s last races marks an end to this 2021 sporting season. Click here to read the brand-new issue of FIM Europe Magazine or download it for free. Enjoy the reading! Visit our FIM Europe
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About FIM Europe

FIM Europe Management Council

FIM Europe Management Council On Tuesday 14th December the meeting of the Management Council took place from the FIM Europe General Secretariat as a videoconference. All members of the MC participated. Prior to the General Assembly a short meeting was organized in Monaco, mainly to prepare the General Assembly and to have information concerning the present Federations and the voting rights. In the today’s meeting the usual points were on the agenda, including the Reports of the President, Deputy Presidents, Treasurer and Secretary General. The Non-Sporting Commissions will meet in Fiumicino in January. Many proposals were presented by Michal Sikora (Sport) and Silvio Manicardi (Beyond Sport). The Treasurer has given his Report and good advices for the next season and future developments. In the meantime, some contracts with sponsors are signed for some competitions. The calendars are not complete at this moment, however the Promoters showed already their 2022 calendars, in many
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About FIM Europe

FIM Europe ordinary and extraordinary General Assembly in Monte-Carlo

Fim Awards 2020 2021 Wednesday
FIM Europe ordinary and extraordinary General Assembly in Monte-Carlo Pictures copyrights: David Reygondeau Today, Thursday 2nd December 2021, the FIM Europe General Assembly was held at the “Salle des Etoiles” of the Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel in Monaco. This General Assembly could not be held in July due to the cancellation of the Congress in Belgrade for the COVID-19 emergency. Thanks to the collaboration offered by the FIM, it was possible to organize this General Assembly in hybrid mode, with the participation of 37 FMNs out of a total of 46, 30 in attendance and 7 participants online. In particular, this General Assembly took place in two distinct moments: the Ordinary, with the usual reports of the Management Council and the Auditors, and the Extraordinary, with the vote on the new Statute and By-Laws. Among the essential moments of the Ordinary we can note the important welcome of the FIM President
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About FIM Europe

Remembering Arne Hedin

Remembering Arne Hedin It’s with deeply sadness that the FIM Europe, together with the Trial Commission, announces the passing away of Arne Hedin. He was Honorary Member of FIM Europe and has been part of the Trial Commission for many years, working as Jury President, Clerk of the Course, reporter and photographer. Arne has been fighting with cancer for several years, never stops loving Trial, which has been his big passion in life. The whole FIM Europe wants to express its condolences to his families and friends. Goodbye Arne.
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About FIM Europe

Second session of Sporting Commissions Meetings in Fiumicino, Italy

Second session of Sporting Commissions Meetings in Fiumicino, Italy Second face-to-face meetings session for the FIM Europe Sporting Commissions. After the first meeting on Saturday 23rd October for the Enduro & Rally, Trial, Road Racing and Drag Racing Commissions, yesterday took place the second meeting day with the Motocross & Snowcross, Track Racing, Supermoto, Vintage and Motoball Commissions. Once again, almost all commission members were presents and just a pair could not join directly the meeting because of travelling restrictions. The summits were also attended by the FIM Europe President Mr Martin de Graaff, the 1st Deputy President Mr Michal Sikora, the Secretary General Mr Alessandro Sambuco and Paola Bianchetti and Silvia D’Amico, responsible for sport matters in the office. Mr Martin de Graaff, FIM Europe President “Yesterday five Sporting Commissions were together in Fiumicino for the autumn meetings. The day before the chairmen of the commissions have met in the FIM
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About FIM Europe

First session of Sporting Commissions Meetings in Fiumicino, Italy

First session of Sporting Commissions Meetings in Fiumicino, Italy Finally, we were back in face-to-face meetings! Two years after the last meeting in presence, the Sporting Commissions met on Saturday 23rd October in Fiumicino, Rome. Almost all commission members were presents and just some members could not join directly the meeting because of travelling restrictions. The summits were also attended by the FIM Europe President Mr Martin de Graaff, the 1st Deputy President Mr Michal Sikora, the Secretary General Mr Alessandro Sambuco and Paola Bianchetti and Silvia D’Amico, responsible for sport matters in the office. In three weeks, the other Sporting commissions will have their meetings. Mr Martin de Graaff, FIM Europe President “Four Sporting Commissions came together for the usual meetings in this time of the year and the day before the chairmen prepared the meeting in the Sporting Council in the FIM Europe office. The meeting, chaired by the
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Keity Meier to set a new world record!

FIM Europe Trial Commission member Keity Meier performing a jump on top of the highest twin towers of Estonia On Sunday, October 10th, trials rider Keity Meier, new member of the FIM Europe Trial Commission and EMF’s Women commission, showed the world that one should dream big, the 26-year old rider made a jump between the twin towers of the 30 stories high Swissotel in Estonia seem extremely easy. The two rooftops are at the height of 117 m (383ft), situated 11 m away and the fortunate spectacle aimed for a one of a kind world record. By overcoming her fear of heights, the athlete encouraged everyone to grab life by the horns and fulfil their dreams. Keity Meier is convinced that this unprecedented challenge will help to shift her border to be a serious competitor in the Trial World Championship in 2022 and to aim for the podium. “This accomplishment
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