
Non-Sporting News

About FIM EuropeNon-Sporting News

FIM Europe Non-Sporting Commissions Meetings in Fiumicino, Italy

FIM Europe Non-Sporting Commissions Meetings in Fiumicino, Italy After the Sporting Commissions Meetings of October and November, on Saturday 18th January the FIM Europe Non-Sporting Commissions Meetings was held in Fiumicino, Italy, at the presence of the FIM Europe President Mr. Martin de Graaff, the Secretary General Mr. Alessandro Sambuco and the 2nd Deputy President Mr. Silvio Manicardi. Also present Silvia Monatti and Andrea Diamantini, responsible for non-sporting matters in the office. Many topics were discussed by the Non-Sporting Commissions: the Environment Commission chaired by Mr. Adamo Leonzio, the Touring Commission chaired by Mr. Nils Freivalds, the Public Affairs Commission chaired by Mr. Dimitris Margaritis and the Marketing, Promotion & Industry Commission chaired by Mr. Blagoja Petrovski. The four commissions discussed interesting and important issues, not only for the coming year, but for the long term development of FIM Europe. Mr Martin de Graaff, FIM Europe President “A few important issues
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FIM Europe NewsNon-SportingNon-Sporting News

FIM Europe activity in Public Affairs – The analysis of John Chatterton-Ross

From Sport to Touring and Commuting, from Road Safety to the developments of new “connected” vehicles: these and more topics are dealt with in an interview with Mr John Chatterton-Ross, Director of Public Affairs at FIM and FIM Europe. 2016 has seen changes in the political scene. How do you see the future for motorcycling? “Let’s start with our sport: motorcycle competition is well managed; it is a fantastic sport for our riders and spectators. It is incredibly popular with the hundreds of thousands of spectators at our events, and the millions of people who enjoy motorcycle sport on television and via other media. We should never under estimate this positive contribution to life. - Especially for those who live in troubled parts of our world. “Our sporting interests can be affected by public policy. The EU Motor Insurance Directive was not written to include motorcycle or motor sports. A decision in the
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Non-Sporting News

FIM Europe first Executive Board Meeting

Executive Board Meeting (3)
 (in the picture from left: Mr. Alessandro Sambuco, Secretary General; Mr. Martin De Graaff, 1st Deputy President; Mr. Wolfgang Srb, President; Mr. Michal Sikora, Treasurer; Mr. Silvio Manicardi, 2nd Deputy President)   On July 23rd was held the Executive Board Meeting of the new FIM Europe management.  The meeting, which is the first of the mandate which has just started after the election of Dr. Wolfgang Srb as new FIM Europe President on July 5th, was hosted by Youthstream Media, at its headquarters in Geneva Airport. Among the questions faced, it was considered important to start immediately operationalactivities within FIM Europe, dealing with the most relevant issues of the current managementand, most importantly, starting to plan future activities both for the sport and for the non-sportmatters. The economic and financial situation was also analyzed in order to make the availableresources congruent with the final phase of the sports season and with future programs.The current FIM
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Non-Sporting News

FIM Europe 8th Road Safety Conference

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The 20th FIM Europe Congress in Cracow hosted the 8th edition of Road Safety Conference. The event traditionally combines with the Continental Union Congress, and every year a different subject matter is illustrated. After dealing with the themes of road incidentality, of industry responses and initiatives, of the systems to improve Road Safety, on traumatic injuries and first aid, of 2-wheeler behaviour and safety, of roadside barriers and crash tests, this year the Road Safety Conference dealt with themes related with Safety concepts and devices derived from Track, such as airbag for motorcyclists. The main aim was to demonstrate how the experience of the track can be transferred to improve road safety in everyday's use. The conference was held under the auspices Silvio Manicardi, chairman of FIM Europe Marketing Commission, and of Jean-Pierre Moreau, Chairman of Public Affairs Commission. As tradition dictates, the first lecturer to speak was a representative
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Non-Sporting News

Motorcycling Rally: Solidarity meeting (Rome, May 4th 2014)

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The Italian Red Cross has scheduled a series of commemorative events during the week from the 4th to 11th May on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the signing of the first Geneva Convention. Under the FIM Europe aegis and in collaboration with Moto Club Roma will take place in Rome on May the 4th the “Motorcycling Rally: solidarity meeting”. In the city of Rome great attention will be devoted to the problem of shortage of blood. Despite the efforts the sufficiency transfusion has not been achieved. 55,000 more donators would be needed at least to reach blood transfusion safety. The initiative includes, in addition to the blood donation, also a manifestation of closeness and attention towards children thalassemia patients hospitalized at the Mediterranean Institute of Hematology (Istituto Mediterraneo Ematologia - IME) by Policlinico Tor Vergata. The solidarity meeting will be at Porta di Roma Shopping Centre. Motorcyclists, after
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Non-Sporting News

Updates on FIM Europe Weight Training Workshop (Graz, AUT 15th-16th February 2014)

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As announced in press release 01/2014, FIM Europe has organized a Workshop on Weight Training for motorcycling riders, addressed to the Trainers of the FIM Europe FMNs. This project benefits of the FIM subsidy for its realization. The necessity to offer an updating on the theme of the training on strength to European Trainers working with riders, through the weight training, has created the opportunity of a synergy between FIM Europe and European Weightlifting Federation, which will put at disposal of the participants, as teacher, the Irish Colin Buckley, Coach Educator and Member of the EWF Executive Board, who is an expert also in motorcycling. The 47 FMNs of the FIM Europe have received the invitation to join the Workshop with one of their own Trainers, having organized this event without foreseeing any other expenditure for the participants than the travel one. In fact all expenses for participation, accommodation and
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Non-Sporting News

Postponement to 2015 of the 3rd European Motorcycling Senior Activity Meeting

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The 3rd edition of the European Motorcycling Senior Activity Meeting and the joint European Motorcycling Senior Activity Conference “Extending the riding age”, originally foreseen for the 31st May and 1st June 2014 in Salsomaggiore Terme (ITA), have been postponed to the next year. This event had been subsidized by the FIM for its launch during the first two editions but, from this year, not counting on the same financial aid, it should have been realized with our own resources. Therefore the Management Council has established the deadline of the 31st January, in order to find the aforesaid financial coverage. Unfortunately the actual economic situation has prevented to find the necessary budget, with the inevitable consequence to postpone to the next year this 3rd edition that, as previously decided for 2015, should take place in the town of Hlohovec (Slovakia).   Download here FIM Europe Press Release 004/2014  
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Non-Sporting News

FIM Europe Weight Training Workshop in Graz (Austria)

The FIM Europe has organized, in collaboration with the European Weightlifting Federation, a Weight Training Workshop, reserved to FIME FMNs Trainer. The Workshop, with only 15 places available, will be held in Graz (AUT) at the Hotel Paradies from 14th to 16th February 2014. Presenter will be Colin Buckley - EWF Education Department – member of the European Weightlifting Federation Executive Board, managing the EWF Weightlifting for Sports development program. He is a Coach educator and author of Coach Development manuals and resources. The Workshop programme includes the following topics: The benefits of Weight training for the rider Health & Safety and equipment selection Postural Analysis and Functional Movement Screen The importance and role of Anatomical Adaptation Weight training and the young rider Principles of Training Designing a warm up program Over Reaching and Over Training/Periodisation Designing sample programs Participation in the Workshop and full board accommodation will be free
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Non-Sporting News

New Case Studies on Road Safety in the new Public Affairs page of FIM Europe website

FIM Europe website has now a new Public Affairs section dedicated the lastest information on European regulation on Road Safety and other issues related to motorcycling. The page has been now updated with a series of case studies on motorcycling to be downloaded: - Study case made by Swedish Transport Administration: "Increased safety for motorcycle and moped riders." Click here - Study case made by Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Developpement durable et de l'Energie: "Enquete de 2012 sur l'utilisation des deux - roues motorisés Public Affair. Click here - Study case made by CSIAM (Chambre Syndacale Internationale de L'Automobile et du Motocycle ): "Changeons de regard sur le motards. L'image des utilisateurs de 2/3 des roues motorisés" Public Affair. Click here - Study case made by GEMA Prévention Assureurs Mutualistes: " Portrait du conducteur de 2 roues d'aujourd'hui". Click here More updates on the Public Affairs page coming soon!!
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Non-Sporting News

Out the details of the 1st International Motorcycling Senior Activity Conference

The 1st International Motorcycling Senior Activity Conference will be held on the 19th and the 20th of May 2012. The event, whose slogan is “extending the riding age”, is addressed to motorcyclists of the age group (over 60) that represents almost 20% of the European population The event programme and the reservation form are available on the page dedicated to the event: click here.
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