FIM Europe News

FIM Europe presented the Advanced Course in “Motorcycling Management”

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From the left, Alberto Rinaldelli, FMI Secretary General, Dr Wolfgang Srb, FIM Europe President, Alessandro Sambuco, FIM Europe Secretary General, Emanuele Isidori, Professor of Social Pedagogy at University of Rome “Foro Italico”, Carlo Pernat and Francesco Guidotti, team managers

Today at the Council Chamber “Giulio Marinozzi” of the University of Studies of Rome “Foro Italico”, the Advanced Course in Motorcycling Management, organized by the Foundation Foro Italico in collaboration with FIM Europe has been presented to a large media audience.

The course is a pilot project of FIM Europe with the intention of perfecting a format to make available to the European Motorcycle Federations and their respective Universities.
The main reason why the Course was launched is that recruitment, selection and development of sporting talent in Motorcycling are prioritaire for European National Motorcycle Federations. The principal actors in the process of creating the Champions of tomorrow are certainly the Federations themselves but, in the light of the recent economic crisis that has plagued and is still plaguing our Continent, it is necessary to look for synergies.
These synergies will allow, without providing further expenditure from the budget of the Federations, to increase these activities  both in terms of quantity and quality as for their regional presence and professional interventions.

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The speech of FIM Europe President, Dr Wolfgang Srb. Below, from the top, Francesco Guidotti and Carlo Pernat

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The educational activities of the Course will be aimed at acquiring specific knowledge for the formation of a professional able to work effectively as Manager of a Motorcycle Team.
In particular, the lessons of the Course will be aimed to:
– acquire knowledge of international sports law and of the motorcycling institutions at International, Continental and National level;
– acquire the ability to manage the team through the knowledge of the legal, tax and economic aspects, as well as corporate and marketing strategies, defining the objectives and evaluating the relative performances;
– acquire the ability to target the team communication;
– acquire and develop the personal qualities of leadership;
– acquire the necessary skills related to Team Building and Problem Solving.

Below, Dr Wolfgang Srb, FIM Europe President with the MotoGP journalist Paolo Scalera

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The participation to the Advanced Course is open to graduates who wish to acquire specific knowledge and skills, in order to operate as part of the Motorcycle Sport as Team Managers, even if not in possession of a specific experience in this sector. The participation to the Course is also open to those who already hold such a role, although not graduates, but in possession of a high school diploma.
The lessons of the Course will start on Friday 11th November 2016 and will end on Saturday 25th February 2017.
The training activities with the Teams will be held between March and May 2017.
The publication of the access procedure to the Course will be on the website of the University of Studies of Rome “Foro Italico” and on the website of the University Foundation “Foro Italico” from 15th September 2016. The deadline for enrollment in the Course is within the 31st October 2016.
This first edition of the course will take place in Italy and will play the role of Pilot Project with the intention to extend the initiative to all 47 Federations which are members of FIM Europe. Each national edition of the Course in Motorcycling Management will provide for the direct involvement of the respective National Motorcycle Federation.
The choice of where helding the course fell on the University of Rome “Foro Italico” for its enthusiasm for Sport, being the only Italian university, and one of the few European ones, to be fully dedicated to physical education.

Below, from the top, the speech of Alessandro Sambuco, Alberto Rinaldelli, Emanuele Isidori and Alberto Acciari, professor of Marketing of Sport at the University of Rome “Foro Italico”

DSC 4541DSC 4525“It’s a smart initiative and I am willing to participate even if I am already in this environment”, states Francesco Guidotti, MotoGP Team Manager. “It’s a growth opportunity to deepen topics that I know from experience but which here are scientifically analyzed. There are similar initiatives for riders and engineers, but it is the first for team managers. I like it because it touches various topics, also the educational aspect”.
“It’s a very nice, useful project for the professionalization of this job. It’s a complete project, which makes us understand how to approach this career”, comments Carlo Pernat, MotoGP Team Manager. “It’s the first time I see such commitment around the figure of the team manager, who still must have basically a great passion for this sport. It’s also important because it offers the opportunity to gain experience in the circuits and it it would be nice if the national Federations took a cue from this initiative to start similar courses on their own”.

DSC 4474DSC 4605“Today at the press conference we’ve had two MotoGP team managers, but I would like to underline that the course has been structured to form team managers in all disciplines and at all levels, non only for the glossy world of MotoGP”, commented Rodolfo Romeo, Chairman of FIM Europe Judicial Panel.
“I am very excited about the project”, concluded Dr Wolfgang Srb, FIM Europe President. “We live in a most professional and competitive world and we have to be ready for all the challenges that we face nowadays – sporting as well as non sporting issues. The course will give you the knowledge and skills to carry out an excellent job”.