
EMX65 and EMX85 SW in Fernao Joanes (Portugal)

fim europeToday was last round of the South West leg of the EMX 65 and EMX 85 Motocross European Championship held in Fernao Joanes ( Portugal ). There were present 16 riders to EMX 85 and 14 riders to EMX 65. During two days weather condition was good.

First race to EMX 85 won Pancar Jan from Slovenia,second was Charlier Maxime from France and third was zanotti andrea from San Marino.Second race won Charlier maxime from france,second was Pancar Jan from Slovenia and third was Zanotti Andrea from San Marino.

First race to EMX 65 won Tomas Eric from Spain,second was Braceras david from Spain and third was Ramos jorge from Spain. Second race wonTomas Eric from Spain,second wasRamos Jorge from Spain and third was Congost Gerard from Spain

The final round of EMX65 and EMX85 European Championship will be held on the 13th of July in Hyvinkaa (Finland).


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