FIM Europe News

The Night of Champions in Jastrebarsko (Croatia)


The 2015 European Vintage Road Racing champions, as well as the Croatian motorcycle champions in all disciplines received their trophies and medals on the occasion of the “Night of Champions” in the full packed Princess Center in Jastrebarsko, near Zagreb, Croatia.

HMS President Stjepan Peršin welcomed guests from government, National Olympic Committee, sponsors and last, but not least, the 2015 champions.
FIM Europe President Dr. Wolfgang Srb, who presented the trophies to the European Vintage Road Racing champions together with HMS Vice President Igor Bošković stated: “It was a very well organized Gala. The level and the presentation was first class and well deserved for the successful riders and clubs. I am happy that the fast growing vintage community had for the first time the high profile platform to get the official recognition. I expect a lot of activities from the vintage riders and organizers in the future”.

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From the left: Ing. Ivan Lafter, HMS General Secretary, Dr Wolfgang Srb, FIM Europe President, Ing. Stjepan Persin, HMS President.