About FIM Europe

FIM Europe meets FIM Oceania

FIM Europe meets FIM Oceania

Tuesday, June 18, taking advantage of his presence in Italy for SBK’s San Marino race on June 23rd, FIM Oceania Secretary General Simon Maas and FIM Europe Secretary General Alessandro Sambuco met at the FIM Europe Secretariat in Rome.
In the agenda of the meeting, which took place in a friendly and concrete collaboration atmosphere, one of the topics discussed was the insurance coverage of the Riders who deal with intercontinental trips to participate in Open events.

“One of our main tasks is not only to encourage the development of motorcycle sporting activity, but to guarantee the best possible solutions if accidents should occur to riders, especially when they are far away from home,” said Alessandro Sambuco at the end of the meeting, “to do this, with the colleague of the FIM Oceania, we are studying a solution with a very active and Motorcycling expert Insurance Broker, in order to obtain coverage for Intercontinental travel for riders who wish to participate in races registered in the Open Calendars of the CONUs. It will be our care, once the feasibility of the project will have been verified, to present it to the relevant offices for approval”.

“It’s very nice to be here and visit FIM Europe and it’s a very good opportunity for me to discuss about the things that we have in common, both CONUs have so much passion for Motorcycling and to see that there are many things where we can work together” stated Simon Maas, “It’s so important for us to have a good relationship with FIM Europe, because there are a lot of riders from Australia and New Zealand who come in Europe for motorcycling races and it’s so nice to feel very welcome in Europe and that there is a long history between the two CONUs which we are very pleased to have and of course, at the same time, we continue to welcome all European riders and FIM Europe Officials and Representatives coming to the Oceania Region, to visit us and to take part to our races. I wish to thank FIM Europe, once again, for the wonderful hospitality”.