FIM Europe News

FIM Europe and Università di Roma Foro Italico for a Master in Motorcycling Management

Foro Italico 6 Agosto 2015 lowOn Thursday 6th August a meeting between the FIM Europe and the Università degli Studi di Roma “Foro Italico” was held in Rome.

Topic of the meeting, which was attended by the FIM Europe President Dr Wolfgang Srb, the Rector of the University Prof Fabio Pigozzi and the FIM Europe Secretary General Alessandro Sambuco, was the presentation by the FIM Europe of a first draft for the organization of a Master in Motorcycling Management to be held in collaboration with the Fondazione Universitaria Foro Italico.
There was a shared vision of the needs to which the Master will be addressed and of the content to offer, and which is proceeding with the definition of the organizational details.
The recruitment, selection and development of sporting talents in motorcycling is one of the main goals of the European Motorcycling National Federations.
The main actors in this process of creation of the next Champions are surely the Federations themselves but, considering the recent economical crisis, which has affected and it is still affecting our Continent, it is necessary to search for synergies.
The aforesaid synergies will have to allow, without further costs for the Federations, to increase this activity both in quantity and quality, in terms of capillarity on the territory and of professionalism of the interventions.
The Master has the aim to train young Managers of Motorcycling who, creating and managing new Teams, will take care directly of the research, selection and development of young talented riders, even if in cooperation with the Sporting Departments of the respective Federations, for the right application of the scientific training programmes.
The Master is addressed to young graduated passionate of Motorcycling, but also operators of the sector or Team Managers already in activity will be allowed to participate, if wishing to deepen and to complete their managerial and organizational knowledge.
The first edition of the Master will be carried out in Italy, as “Pilot Project”, with the intention to extend the initiative to all Countries of the 47 Federations affiliated to FIM Europe. Each National edition of the Master in Motorcycling Management will foresee a direct involvement of the respective National Motorcycling Federation.
The Master is expected to be held in the months of March, April and May 2016 with about 150 hours of lessons spread in 12 weeks of attendance on Fridays and Saturdays. A stage and Final Project Work will be held.
Once defined the programme in detail, a timely notice of the contents and the organization of the Master will be given.
“I am very happy about the cooperation with the University and the project ‘Master’. Education is nowadays more important than ever and the Università degli Studi di Roma ‘Foro Italico’, under the leadership of Prof Fabio Pigozzi, is the perfect venue” stated FIM Europe President, Dr Wolfgang Srb.