FIM Europe News

Colin Moram honoured for lifetime of service to ACU’s South Midland centre

Colin Moram honouredOn 31st March 2015 Honorary FIM Vice President Colin Moram was honoured for his fifty years of service to motorcycle sport in the ACU South Midland centre.
The meeting included a talk about the work of FIM Europe and FIM by John Chatterton-Ross.
“I was delighted to be asked to join this presentation to Colin who I have known since I was first involved in FIM work twenty five years ago”, added John Chatterton Ross, FIM Europe Director of Public Affairs.
“He is a motorcyclist who has served at the very highest levels of our sport. He still keeps working today. I also passed to all at the meeting the best wishes and congratulations of FIM Europe President Dr Wolfgang Srb”.
Mr Moram was presented with a carriage clock inscribed to mark the occasion.    

In the photo, from the left, Terry Golds and John Coles, respectively Secretary and Chairman of the ACU centre, Colin Moram and John Chatterton-Ross, FIM Europe Director of Public Affairs