FIM Europe News

FIM Europe meets FFM

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From the left Silvia Monatti – FIM Europe Financial and Accounting Department, Alessandro Sambuco – FIM Europe Secretary General, Jacques Bolle – FFM President, Sebastien Poirier – FFM Dircteur Général, Philippe Thiebaut – FFM Directeur Technique National

FIM Europe is continuing its programme of meetings with the European Federations, with the aim of sharing the best practices for administration, and then to know each other better for growing together.

This process of reciprocal knowledge is showing that we operate in a world extraordinarily rich in commitment, passion and creativity. In fact the meeting with FFM, having followed the one with SVEMO on the previous year, has highlighted a Federation really at the height of its history and projected towards the future.
On May 31st, Alessandro Sambuco and Silvia Monatti have met, at the FFM headquarters in Paris, the President, the General Director as well as all the Staff of the French Federation.
Mr. Sébastien Poirier – Directeur Général FFM – has presented all the structure of his Federation and during the visit it was evident, not only the perfect organization of the offices, but that FFM is really projected to the continuous improvement and its staff works with passion and flexibility.
A particular value is given to the history of the Federation, as strongly wanted by its President, Mr. Jacques Bolle. It is for this reason that, at the FFM, you can find in the same room the person in charge of the new IT system and the one caring the historical heritage of the Federation.
Therefore an important past for supporting an important future!
The best practice offered by FFM, which is common aim to be shared with the other FMNs, is a digital management system for licenses and events. The aforesaid system allow a continuous and complete control along all the administrative procedures, starting from the license request until the management of the events.
By few click, the riders, without loosing themselves in the labyrinths of bureaucracy, are able to enter in the French sports system and get all they need for their agonistic or leisure activities.
The platform structure is very functional and intuitive in all its parts.
Besides the complete control of the administrative flows, it is also possible to extract statistics data and histograms in real time.
The programme of how sharing the best practices among the European Federations is under study and will be communicated as soon as completed.
“I consider these meetings with the European Federations not only an important moment of growth for our organization, but also and mostly a personal and professional enrichment. It is really surprising as, from each one of these occasions, you can always learn something new”, said Alessandro Sambuco at the end of the event.
“I am very satisfied about this exchange with Alessandro and Silvia. The sharing of best practices among the Federations through FIM Europe is essential for the development of our activities”, concluded Sébastien Poirier.

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A moment of the meeting. From the left Silvia Monatti, Alessandro Sambuco, Sebastien Poirier and Lilian Martorell – FFM Webmaster