FIM Europe News

Addio “Enzo”! Passing away of Vincenzo Mazzi, FIM Europe President

fim europeEuropean Motorcycling mourns for the death of Vincenzo Mazzi, FIM Europe President and one of the founding fathers of the Union Européenne de Motocyclisme (UEM), who passed away yesterday afternoon, 7th of April, in Rome.

vincenzomazziIn almost 50 years dedicated to Motorcycling, the President Mazzi, “Enzo” for the many friends who had the honour to be near him, always hold a prominent role since his appointment as Secretary General of the Italian Motorcycle Federation in 1979, continuously for 20 years, until 1999.

From those years he has dedicated each of his energies and all his determination to the European Motorcycling, participating to the foundation of the UEM in 1996, holding since the beginning the position of Secretary General until 2006, when he was elected UEM President for his first mandate. He would have concluded his second mandate the next July in Cracow when, as announced by himself, he would have leaved “space for fresh forces, with new ideas and greater enthusiasm”. His participation to the last FIM Europe Management Council, on the last 29th of March, should represent his return to his public role after a long period during which he had suffered health problems, in order to lead the FIM Europe to its elective Congress. His disappearance has left everybody consternated, just in the moment when it was going to be celebrated his return. The funerals will take place on Friday the 11th of April 15:00 at the Regina Pacis church in Ostia Lido (Rome).


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