
Motorsport future stars and environment – meeting in Torun (Poland)

Motorsport future stars and environment – meeting in Torun (Poland)

On 20th July 2019 a special meeting took place at Motoarena – speedway stadium – in Torun.

The young participants of the European 125cc Youth Track Racing Cup Final, their mechanics, teams, Jury members, guests attended the meeting with the projects: #PzmIDoCareAboutTheEnvironment and the FIM project #FIMfuturestars.

Great atmosphere, nice souvenirs and some games – everything to show Motorsport is friendly to environment and to young riders – who have a chance to be future stars.

And the words we must have in our minds (said by Peter Gregory):

We are the first generation to know that we are destroying the planet.

We are the last generation to be able to save the planet.