FIM Europe News

FIM Europe Workshop on Leadership in Maggiora (Italy)

aboutuemThe FIM Europe has organized a Workshop on Leadership addressed to the leader of the Executive Staff of its FMNs: the Secretaries General. The Workshop took place on 23rd and 24th November 2013 at the Motocross Circuit of Maggiora (Italy).

Participation and accommodation was completely free of charge for all participants thanks to Maggiora Park and Youthstream, which allowed to organize this important workshop without providing costs for the FIM Europe and the participants of our FMNs. The Workshop gave to the participants the opportunity to spend together two days being able to discuss, in the free moments, issues of mutual interest in the field of FIM Europe, as well as having a moment of personal and professional growth.

The Workshop was hold by Sadhana Singh Avenali, International Lead Trainer of L&MKYT, a Company that deals with the training method “Kundalini Yoga”. The work has been focused on the “Cycle of the Intellect” that reveals the dynamic as thought, from its conception, comes to a complete show. L&MKYT proposes an ancient yogic technique, based on an age-old knowledge, to map the workings of the mind, learn to use its many facets and understand how to get the best performance, for themselves and for the others.

The list of the participants attending at the Workshop included Representative from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Monaco, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, FIM Europe Staff, the FIM Europe Vice-presidents Ted Bartlett and Mikal Sikora and the Youthstream Business Development Officer David Luongo and the CEO Daniele Rizzi.

Everybody participated actively in the workshop, interacting continuously with the teacher and it is common opinion to continue to promote such kind of initiatives also in future.

(FIM Europe Press Release 162/2013)